Piet.sO and Peter Keene


Piet.sO et Peter Keene 2017-19

Castel of Azay-le-rideau from 2017 to 2019.

An another vision of the Renaissance through the installation of contemporary works of Piet.sO and Peter Keene. Their Installations are based on the spirit of automaton and theatrical machines from the same period, but also the figures of Armida and Psyche. Both of which are present in the tapestries on the first floor of the « chateau ».

Livre en papier de jonc - Piet.sO  2017 Château d'Azay-le-rideau, chambre Renaissance. Les enchantements d'Azay

sculptures  automates, Peter Keene et Piet.sO, château d'Azay-le-rideau. Les enchantements d'Azay. Centre des Monuments Nationaux.

Installation banquet aux automates - Peter Keene et Piet.sO- Château d'Azay-le-rideau.

Peter Keene et Piet.sO - Psyché, robe automate, château d'Azay-le-rideau.

Peter Keene et Piet.sO - Psyché, robe automate, château d'Azay-le-rideau.

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