
Balades Quantiques

The real magic it’s them, the others. But we don’t need to tell them.The magic, it’s them, the others they make signs without even knowing.

In the city, on the big stage of life, in the big forest of millions of destinies, I can at last lean on and react to their signs. An elbow that points the movement of an arm or hand Indicates to me what path what direction I must take.

I always end up somewhere that is an answer to a question that I forgot to ask myself

balade quantique Bruxelles 2010 - Piet.sO
A message from Sedra
Bruxelles Piet.sO 2010

balade quantique Piet.sO 2008 Bruxelles
la galerie d'enfer
Bruxelles 2008

balade quantique Munich Piet.sO 2010
Reflets éternels
Munich 2010